okay, apparently school is starting next week.
And i am not in a study mood, nor have i done much studying.
this means, i don't think i will do well for my prelims 1. damn.
Chemistry feels so foreign to me all of a sudden, like i have nvr read a single topic before...
this is shit.
Btw, Chinese O lvl oral and listening is like next week, and i have no idea which day am i taking the exams.
i am fucking screwed. i am scared.
Went to SENTOSA today.
was suppose to go in a bigger group, but some of the peeps couldn't make it.
so we went in a group of 5.
AND i am TAN, after years/months of i don't wanna be tan,
i am now...
Well at least i am not so dark, moderate.
played volleyball, and swam/ stayed in the sea.
burried my friend, backsomer/frontsomer off people's shoulder and float around.
Went to Newton circle to eat after that.
Ate Seafood(zhi cha) . i damnnnn full, very statisfied.
took the train home.(of course)
LoL. i can't wait for the second time...
if i only could have 'em all

hi world.
idk who on earth actualy reads my blog though.
lets see,
during the holidays that i did not post.
- i went out with Shihqian and isaac to celebrate SQ b'lated birthday at NYDC.
(it was a great time, and actually the first time i hang out with her since 5 years.
got ourselves, a very oldschool, friendship band. Well at least its has a significance to it)
- i studied with some friends at the esplanade.
- i had tuitions, which i dislike/dread.
-participated in a arguement/debate with a goodfriends's cousin ,on her tagbox-.-
( ultra retarded)
thats pretty much about it.
oh i and come online and... youtube.
i have lesson later, and i have a event tml.
i wanna get myself that golden plated trophy, but its like so intangible.
and its like i need a ladder to actually reach it.
its tiresome.
my cousin will be crashing over later, its gonnabe coool....

Went out to study with Gary and Kartika today.
wasn't productive at all.
i wasn't in a studying mood at all.
did some poa, and tried to do my ever-so-difficult math tuition homework.
i have to submit my tuiton hmk by sat, and i am so dead.
Cause its so diff.
math is SO DIFFICULT. damn!
Slacked after we finished a school's poa paper.
Talked to Kartika.
Gary was busy doing math.
Me and Kartika left first , cause Gary wanted to stay longer.
will try studying with them again sometime next week.
Hope it will be much/wayyyy better.
Labels: sometimes its just so hard to understand...

this is kinda a late post, but,
Went to St James last sunday...
Met Isaac, munyee, liying and sharlyn at amk station.
and trained all the way down to Vivo.
ate burger kings for dinner and when straight to Stjames.
Fuck, we reached there early thinking,
okay we won't have to deal with super long queues,
but thanks to queue-cutters, we lined up for close to 2 hours.
but we cut queue in the end. lols
i know its inconsiderate, but its extremely tiresome to queue and watch a big group cut infront for u.
shimin and her friends were infront, and were kind enough to let us cut in.
so yuppp...
Went in to Stjames, and it was superduper croweded!
squeeze into the center and started dancing.
Wanted to sneak in to dragonfly, but apparently there were bouncers! damn!!!!
caught a glimps of movida, something Karen told me about.
it was really nice inside.
went back to powerhouse.
This is not St James. random pic.
organisers rearranged the tables. fuck.
so all the big tables were in the center.
this meant that there is limited space on the dancefloor.
partied till 4.
songs ended with Get Low, Right Now(na na na)and Womanizer!
its always nice/good/fantastic if a club ends with one of the above song, or So What.
still I think that the first club me , munyee, shimin and isaac went , had the best DJ ever.
and i meant it! best ever!
he remixed alots of songs, so no songs are played full.
which is good, cause u dun get tired of the songs.
but the last song ended with Get Low(full).
it was at Zouk. and they have the best sound system ever!
though its small.
theres isaac(far left) and munyee. resting.
some took cab home with shimin's friends.
so the rest of us slacked outside Vivo for the first train.
ate Macs for breakfast!
damn, i am still craving for Hotcakes...
can't wait for another club or two, before i am back to school.
and i have to study hard hard hard, till end of O's.

Went to Clarice/Ivan's gf condo yesterday.
basketball, gym(thou i am soooo skinny) and SWIM.
haha it was fun, considering i hve not swam for , what seemed like, ages
idk how long was it since i actually went to kovan melody.
very very long i guess, like a year or two?
last time i went was with jer, vic, ivan, and gary.
The Skinny Jeans season.
but nvr been back there after school reopens.
guess everone is tied up with schools and stuff.
well, at least we got back there again, thou we're still missing Jervis.
this time there were more people who went.
there was :
Shaun, Mengchao, Wanhao
Jerome, ME, Victor,
Youlim, Danny, Ivan
Jennifer, Gary, TerenceJude
WeiYank, Jonathan, TzeWei
Clarence and Darry.
thats a load, and i have never been out with such a big group, other than class excursions.
but it was fun.
we splash into the pool and stayed for 2 to 3 hours, doing nonsense.
some of us went to the slide and do stupid/funny stuff.
intheend, got chased away by the security for obvious reasons.
so we took our shower and went to eat.
at pungol nasilemak there, but i din eat nasilemak, i ate hokkien mee.
the mee was not very good, and the nasilemak was overrated.
and homesweethome.
overall, it was good, kinda like a break from school.

HEELLLOOO to anyone out there who actually still read my blog.
its been a super long time since i last post.
idk what to post, and i was busy with school work so to say.
well, its holidays now, though i still have to go back school for 2 weeks.
but at least i am not having a tight schedule.
i can't wait for this sunday! ha
i willl update y'll again.
went out with my cuz yesterday.
went to a bookfair.
it was suppose to be SINGAPORE BOOK FAIR.
but i was super unproductive.
we bought no books,none.
they had little variety, and certain books are still expensive.
i'd rather go borders.
ATE at THAIEXPRESS!!! wahahaha, after soooo long.
its just kinda like a tradition we do, whenever we meet,i guess?
took a few pictures.( post them some other time.)
we talked alot.
mostly, friends, frienemies, relationships and stuffs.