i know i've not been blogging consistently.
but i've been tied up with mound of works and tests.
and this week i've not been studying out.
which i am going to do; have to do next week.
i coping well, i hope.
Chinese New Year....
its lacking of atmosphere , its lacking of red packets, its lacking of friends coming over
and above all , its lacking of ahgong.
Chinese New Year is never the same without him.
then again, what if he is still here?
it'd still be left at home, while we do our routine visits.
and collect our red packets merrily.
sigh- sigh -sigh....
i wished everyone would stop getting old at 40.
anyways, Chinese New Year was ruined by the fact that there is no chu 3
cause there had to be school.
totally baffled by the way those people chose the date. really bad choice.
But just so you know, there was an eclipse on monday.
i didn't manage to catch a glimpse of it, which i so desperately want to, but my friends did.
Anyways, there are so many, many movies i want to catch.
but i guess the moment i made i my mind to watch them, there won't be anymore of it.
i keep saying i want to, but i am so lazy to.=.=
maybe i should get all the dvds from m'sia and camp at home.
movie marathon!
i've gtg, i'll update about school's and stuff.
takecare y'all
joeey-joey!! @ 1/31/2009 08:29:00 PM

HAPPY 2009!!
well, goodbye 2008
HELLO 2009!!
wow its a new year already huh! hah.
okay blogging about an event or something.
almost feel difficult. seriously.
it takes pretty long for me to blog out something.
i'm always stuck!
can't seem get the word out sometimes. if you get what i mean.
that explains.
i'm lacking behind. i know.
i think almost all bloggers out there has already, blogged their "new year post."
saying how they they spent it, how time flies , their new year's resolution , what they did in the past, blahBLAHblah....
haha, i'm just kiddin!
- speaking of which
i'm actually thinking of a new year's resolution, written. (/)
i've never written one before, so i'm giving it a shot,

You know it didn't seemed that long ago, when i came about to know "theCliques"
well, but it has been already around 2 years, give or take.
but its been really great, you know. Its like hangin out with people which
i never thought i would.

come to think of it, i'm acutally like...... lucky.
i mean easily i could have been an 'outcast' in my class, and not have friends to hang with during the holidays.
i remember the first time when i was going to meet "theCliques" peeps, i was @#$%^&* nervous.
so i msg Stella, to get my feel good fix. [anyway thanks a million, starelah.]
it was back in 2007 when this "clique" was formed, & we pratically hung out almost everyday, rain or shine.
And though we might not have any plans, we'd still hang out.
do the "slack around" thing and just watched the day goes by.
its really cool.

Well but things are, sort of, different now.
lets jsut say, maybe we have other stuffs which we need to focus on.[like our studies ( O'lvls)]
i guess its only natural that certain people/things come and go.
cause there is always something/someone better out there....
i still can remember vaguely, back when i was still young.
my cousin and i weren't really close.
Remembered she used to come over every week, our parents would mahjong , and we'd just sit in my room and talk/crap.
there was this once, she came over and i was "doing" my chinese.
so she offered to help.
and i was ignorant and didn't even give a shyt.
so she gave me a lecture.
like they said "girls mature much faster than boys, so yeah..."
anyways i wanted to tape her mouth then.
but i just kept quiet, like an innocent boy being reprimanded by his mother(:
Roughly a year back, i was walking to the train station with my cousin.
well, back then she was still unattatched.
so she told me "i am going to die a nun." jokingly.
i looked at her and started laughing.
and figured,
"hmmm, well so am i..."
Yes and so it will be the New Year for the chinese....
idk why we have to seperate it , but it a good thing.
we get free incomes! haha
but this year, i won't be celebrating.
Firstly, there won't be a "chu 3" cause its school day.
Secondly, i can't celebrate cause my grandpa passed away.

It was few months back that Grandpa passed away.
He may be someone whom i may not have communicate much with.
But is someone whom i loved dearly.
i mean how can u not? afterall my Granpa looked after me even before i started preschool.
idk why we have to seperate it , but it a good thing.
we get free incomes! haha
but this year, i won't be celebrating.
Firstly, there won't be a "chu 3" cause its school day.
Secondly, i can't celebrate cause my grandpa passed away.
It was few months back that Grandpa passed away.
He may be someone whom i may not have communicate much with.
But is someone whom i loved dearly.
i mean how can u not? afterall my Granpa looked after me even before i started preschool.
Reminiscing, i remembered there was this once,
i was playing with this stray dog.
i was chasing it everwhere it ran, touching it.
& i think he got bored with what he was doing,
so for a change, he decided to chase after me instead!
i got scared out of my wits, i stood up and started to run!
i ran towards my dad's car and hopped in.
"An chua?" my Grandpa asked in hokkien.
and with the tears streaming down, i replied " WU GAO AI KA WA!" haha.
So he stepped out of the car, took off his slipper, and ran after the dog while swearing in dilect.
i think i heard his saying "ka ni na..." . if i'm not wrong.

I remembered when i was still living in my Grandparents house.
i had a BOX full of toys. that belongs to no one else but me!(:
so everytime i got bored ,
i'd spill everything out and start playing.
if not, i'd run around the house/ find something to do.
_Fyi. I was a super roundy boy when i was young.
haha and i had gotten quite a few nicknames along the way.
which my aunts still use them to call me(:
ask me and i'll tell u.
Alright, enough of the past, lets talk about "MY" New Year.
Went out with Vic, on new year's eve, to get our New backpack!
From NewUrbanMale! and seriously their stuffs are freaking over-rated.
$130 for a bagpack? its simply day light robbery=.=
but we still bought it.
and they had this :"Threesome for Freesome." sounds wrong but it was suppose to mean, buy 3 get one free.(:
so we end up getting 2 bags, 1 T- shirt, and a pairs of slippers.
and i left, Vic joined the other floorballers.
Took a cab down to Furama riverfront Hotel.
Had New Years celebration there(:
Though wasn't as sucky compared to last year, it was still bad.
i mean the DJ had way better songs but he didn't want to play it.
WTF!!!! so we danced and danced and soon got bored of it.
we always start off in a small circle, then end up forming a bigggg one.
so people start pushing people into the circle to dance.
but it was okay, cause there are friends.....
so yeah , i did have fun(:

I did 2 performace, i sortof screwed jive at the ending,
but its cool , wasn't that bad [i guess].
Ended reallly early this year!-.-
invited my maledacemates to crash over at my place.
And so finally its School again! goshhhhhhh.
Term started 2 weeks ago.
well, i'm going at a pretty fine pace, so to say.
But i'm kinda struggling in chinese which is freaking me out.
Otherwise everything's cool, just that i need more more more sleep!
& its my final year! and i want to do well for my O' levels.
So no matter what, i'm gonna mug hard!
cause i'm gonna get muahself a good result(:
& this year will be a better year, for me and everyone.

I did 2 performace, i sortof screwed jive at the ending,
but its cool , wasn't that bad [i guess].
Ended reallly early this year!-.-
invited my maledacemates to crash over at my place.
And so finally its School again! goshhhhhhh.

well, i'm going at a pretty fine pace, so to say.
But i'm kinda struggling in chinese which is freaking me out.
Otherwise everything's cool, just that i need more more more sleep!
& its my final year! and i want to do well for my O' levels.
So no matter what, i'm gonna mug hard!
cause i'm gonna get muahself a good result(:
& this year will be a better year, for me and everyone.

joeey-joey!! @ 1/17/2009 11:40:00 PM