the last goodnight - IN YOUR ARMS.
joeeyjoeyjoeey!!! u need to start STUDYING!!!!
crapp.. i did not do well for my prelims.
and now, i have no mood to study for my N'lvls.
which my first 3 papers is starting next week.
so me, vic, norman went to help Jervis today.
he wanted to move his stuffs from his old house to his the other house.
and damn there was alot of stuffs!
i was practically sleeping all the time.
i was sleeping at his old house, in the cab and his other house!
super drained out.
woke up and help to do a little cleaning.
well, it was kinda half way done, Vic and Jer had done almost everything.
Which, is a very different side of them,
cause u kinda don't see vic doing cleaning nor jervis.
Cab back to YCK.
Vic had to go forhis florall training.
and i went home...
Studying out tml with Jervis!
its TUESDAY already!

the last goodnight - return to me.
And once again, i went into the little fantasy world of mine, and knock out.
its really nice , you know.
i love doing it, i do it most of the time, if i can't sleep.
its really nice 'cause things go your way.
like a little break from all your worries and other stuffs.
and just somehow you wish that it was real.
but everynow and then, you tend to wake up, and face the reality.
it sucks....
This few days was really , i don't know how to put it to words.
we got back our papers.
my results were not up to expectations , it was b.a.d.d.d.
and was looking and feeling pretty dull most of the time.
it sucked.
but anyways,
-and the other peeps.
thanks for comforting me(:
really appreciated it.
back to books again.
its so (asfhalalSUCKYknsaflaF), when you just got back ur crappy results and you're in a holiday-mood.
but you have to get back to studying cuz ur major exam is starting in 2 weeks time.
sigh, and if i don't do well for it.
i think i will head for the rooftop.
my English teacher was disappointed with my compo.
and i was disappointed with myself too.
and it sucks cause i just can't seem to pharse out what i am thinking.
its like you can think of a great story but you can't pen it down
then you start thinking and try to get it out at the back of your head.
its there, but its not coming out.
and before you know it.
you have half an hour left.
then its the race between you, the time, and finishing the compo.
gosh and you go like.
"WHAT!!!?!?! crap how i wish the time can stop nowwwwww!!!
fyi. this ain't me, its cute little JERVIS. no its JERhopper.( a new spieces related to grasshopper.)
Yup, okay so study study study joeey!
Have been hanging out with Jervis lately(:
camwhoring,crapping,talking, STUDYING!
yeah at the esplanade.
but just one bad thing about it.
there is nothing to eat=( and the only nearby place to get food is marina square!
and i can't concentrate if i have an empty stomach.
andit gets empty all the time.....
FOOOOOOD!!! okay i can't help it but i seriously think that JERVIS looks like WANG YUE GU.
the table tennis plyer from singapore. She played with li jia wei in doubles.
and boy! she is goooooood.
due to ME having tuition like 3 times a week!( i hate tuition, but i need them)
i can only hang out to study with Jervis every wednesday=(
seriously jervis is such a joker .
sometimes u can laugh till you get six pack.
time files when there's school.
i was walking home today i was like
"oh today is thurday! wow, okay.."
Labels: what would you give up for a friendship?

so if u're really bored/sad try this.
i got it from Shaun Moo's blog!
super funny guy!
seriously take ur time to read, u will laugh ur socks off.
Here goes the official list of FUN things to do on a boring day!
1)Laugh really loud beside a funeral
2)stick your thumb out when you're hailing a bus(act like you'r hitch hiking)
3)Sing really loud like you're drunk at a park
4)Hire someone to protect you for a day and get into many fights
5)Bring a Video recorder into a funeral you're not invite into
6)Send a invitation card to a friend and in it write: You are not invited to my party today.
7)Lie down under a tree at a beach for 3 whole hours
8)Call the local library and speak quietly so you don't disturb anybody there---number can't be found): ---
9)Call the phone number on a "Lost Dog" sign and tell them you haven't found it yet.
10)When you enter a movie theater containing very few people, sit next to one of them.Eng wah, I love eng wah cinema.
11)call someone and reach their voice mail then say: hi i'm leaving a msg.Then hang up
12)Get on an elevator full of people and push all the number buttons so it stops at every floor.
13)At the movies, constantly whisper to the stranger beside you:Here comes the next part, lets get ready to see it TEEHEE''.
14)find a crime scene and walk up to the officer and say: So what do we have here?
15)Invite many friends to the easy chair section of a furniture store.Make them sit down as you give a speech/Sing
16)Sit in a taxi and speak in a heavily foreign accent, chinese style is the best.Then when you're leaving speak in a perfect english tone.
17)Find a construction site and tell them you're bored and offer to help out.
18)When the phone rings, pick it up and ask for somebody.
19)walk really fast up and down 3 tiles in a shopping centre
20)Watch TV with the volume muted and speak for the characters.
Try powerpuff girls
21) Randomly call someone on the phone. They will say you have the wrong number.Ask what the right one is.Then start talking about how life bites at you.
23)Go to the children's section of a library, pull a book off the shelf and read it aloud.when a crowd of children surround you, slam the book close and stare.
24)A bus ride with your middle finger up and showing at the window for 5 stops.(i wonder what will happen....)
25)Climb into a bus wearing flowery clothing a start acting like a tour guide.Make many mistakes
26)watch a tennis match at Yck stadium and when someone wins a point,shout uncontrollable and keep saying: THAT WAS A NICE KICK,GOAL!!!!
27)Loudly cheer for roger while watching the match at the same stadium.
28)keep giving advices to the players:GO left! now run to the right! Hit a little harder there!
29)Wake up at 4am tmr morning and stand at your parents bed side.when they wake up and stare at you,say: Goodmorning sunshine with a huge grin on your face.
30)Talk to a cabbage
31)go to a crowded area start pointing at the sky and freeze for 5 mins
If any of you guys do everything here,come to me
i'll give you anything you want.
righttttt.... i doubt anyone would actually complete it! haha

prelims are finally over!!!!
well, its gets crappy whe u're waiting for the result.
all the nervousness and wating fr the result, afraid to fail and stuff,
never fails to get me.
they say, if u are well prepared u won't feel nervous , etc etc.
but i have never walked out of a examination hall feeling so god damn confident before.
guess i am never prepared.
just hope i can do well for all my subjects..Gosh, i am so nervous/scared for my N lvls.
can't wait for the holidays.
time flies....really...
I'm at the esplanade now(:
'cause i am being a really nice friend by accompanying Jervis to studying for his exam.
i love this place.
My new favourite band(:
The Last Goodnight.
This is the clock upon the wall
This is the story of us all
This is the first sound of a newborn child,
Before he starts to crawl
This is the war that’s never won
This is a soldier and his gun
This is the mother waiting by the phone,
Praying for her son
Pictures of you,
pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be
There is a drug that cures it all
Blocked by the governmental wall
We are the scientists inside the lab,
Just waiting for the call
This earthquake weather has got me shaking inside
I'm high up and dry
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be
Confess to me, every secret moment
Every stolen promise you believed
Confess to me, all that lies between us
All that lies between you and me
We are the boxers in the ring
We are the bells that never sing
There is a title we can't win no matter
How hard we might swing
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we could have been

damn, 2 more days before i am done with prelims.
and one more months, to my N' lvls.
so it means i will have to start studying.
thus, i will not go online much.....
YAY i am so gonna watch BATMAN on wed , which is my last paper.
i know i am kinda slow, but ...... its that examination's fault! haaha!
have been going to esplanade's library to study, ALONE.
haha i know it you wouldeither not believe me or think that i'm crazy.
but yeah, alone in a library.
its conducive, and i like i there.
u get to see the black DURIAN, people walking around, and couples looking at the view.
which is better than staring at the person infront of u, or the books..
and there's a rooftop graden to catch a breather.
so its super good, and cooooool.
Though it is far.
the gym peeps held a surprise party for munyee over at my place.
hope it would be a memorable one(:
there were surprises, and cake fight.
very disgusting and fun.
so i went out on sat.
was suppose to go out with the 'usuals'
but endedup in 2 different group.
idk why.
but i was with Vic, Mengchao & Smallbutt( Jianyi)
a super funny dude.
but before that norman and his friend sam hang out with us,
till they had to leave for a party.
CROSSFINGERS* i hope i don't fail any of my subjectssss*
Went to watch a movie yesterday with,
my dad, mum, brother and ahma.
my mum bugged me to book the tickets online-.--
she was being super random.
at first i was like "godd, not another Jack Neo's flim"
but it actually turned out nice.
i'd say one of the better flims he has produced over the past few years.
really hilarious and touching.
i teared.....
i was just wondering....
?)why do we get irritated by someone so badly
that sometimes we hate them,
or talk bad about them.
and yet on top of all this still we're friends???
isit bad or wrong?
talk about frienemy.....
?) have u ever walked pass a place, came across a picture.
and wondered what happened to this or us?
why aren't we what we used to be?
talk to me dude.
if u hate me, i'll move away.