i can roast myself.
damn the weather is a killer!
freaking hot.
Went to James' house yesterday.
To swim, and of course slack.
With Gary and Ivan
yeah, James is a nice person, with a goood vocal.
Very friendly and sociable.
We 3 hardly know him well, though we do talk sometimes.
and he invited us to him house.
Me and Ivan did all kind of nuisance shyt,
jumping into the pool from different heights.
ha! yeah it was fun.
Went home,had tuition.
Screw it. sucky shyt
don't wanna talk about it.
Chinese papers today.
Not very bad.
i expected it to be extremely hard.
Like i have to rack my brain and try to interprete wad the hell is the passage saying or asking.
Went home straight after school.
And i am going out to study(:
Math paper 1 tml=(( i don't wanna study to fail.
joeey-joey!! @ 4/28/2008 02:00:00 PM

set my alarm at 10.05am
but snoozed it like 4-5 times.
couldn't get enough sleep.
was having this cool/sad dream, when all of a sudden i woke up.
tried getting back to sleep, but couldn't.
so i woke up and just in time, Vic messaged me(:
Macgriddles for breakfast(:
Went to Town to STUDY.
Coffee bean.
Got ourselves each a cup of coffee caramel, and started with Poa.
Monday's paper, SS & POA paper 2 , so yup...
Stopped after 4hours.
Dinner time. wooots.
Walked ard for a little awhile,
and headed home....
SHAGGED! haha.
joeey-joey!! @ 4/26/2008 11:56:00 PM

Shaun Moo!
i think i love u baby!
i think u love me too!!
i do not have a freaking addiction to teddy bears!!!!
Its called entertaining u! ha...
Okay, today weather had been so so so much better than the past few days!
It rained in the morning,
So yeah, not every hot and getting stick/fed up.
PHS(post humid syndrome) maybe?
oh thats my school's name in short.
Last 2 periods were THE best,
Cuz we got the privilege of air-conditioned rooms! wahahaha
yay, yay, yay.
So its a gooood day.
Went to market to eat after schol,
was suppose to follow Gary, Victor & Mengchao to RP,
to watch floorball match.
I think this sport is kinda cooool.
But went home instead.
i'm sleepy,lazy,hungry,full,lack of love.haha
joeey-joey!! @ 4/24/2008 04:11:00 PM

i think 'lazy' spells me.
Anyways, went to viewed shaun's blog and think that he s a relatively good blogger.
don't know why.
He's my friend, so ya..
And i think he did a great for his mid-year compo, though i din really read everything.
But this is wad he wrote: i am sure anyone would not mind spending a quiet evening at home sitting on a laid-back arm chair slowly watching the orange glow of the sun fade away while reminiscing about the past,looking at a few photos and slowly drifting off to sleep only to dream about the past.
nice eh? well if u don't think it is. i do
U racked ur brain on that freaking day,
trying to think of wad to write,
and a quick one,
as not to eat into ur time.
U hit ur pen against the table,
Spin it around ur fingers.
U push back ur fringe or hair.
put ur head on the table.
U make a sound,
start looking ard then towards the clock.
U get nervous,
think think think!!!!!!
Scribble some ideas down......
Hmm, should it be this should it be that?
oh maybe i should start with a flashback?
No, goddamnit , its not working!
Damn!why is my brain not working!
Well, i manage to complete my compo.
short one, hope its not crappy.
ur peeps start popping questions
"Hey wad question u write ah?"
and u go like "OH i wrote blah blah blah, wad did u write about?"
And they start telling u stuff and fasinating shyt,
and u go like,
DAMN! DAMN! bang head*
wth, why am i so dumb!
why didn't i think about it!
I think i'm going to go crazy sooner or later.
The weather had been freaking hot and humid lately.
U sweat easily, and u start getting sticky.
Which makes u/me restless and don't wanna study!
and u get so freaking happy when its finally end of school!
SS & chinese class test today.
Went to market to eat, and waited for Vic to finish DC.
Went into the classroom and chatted with , some peeps.
bathbathbath -Best part of the day!-
joeey-joey!! @ 4/23/2008 07:20:00 PM

My father gave me 50 bucks for next week(:
cuz he says he doesn't have small notes.
I'm a happy kiddo.
But i think i might need t return him the change=(
Okay. We lost in the Gym competition=(
And i'm down with a fever.
Guess my body is toooo exhuasted from all the constant training for the loosing com.
All of us were sad,
some cried.
Wanted to skip school the next day.
Well, most of the Gymmies did, except dumb Joey.
cuz going school= not going.
i learn anything at all.
I was sick, i was tired. i was sad. i din even have the mood to talk/walk/STUDY=.=
So i practically stonned my whole day.
Met up with the Gym-mates after school.
went out, kinda like to -forget -everything day out?
Well, most of us did feel better.
Except most of us were down with FEVER.
And extremely exhuasted.
we were like zombies roaming the mall.
Watched ' Definitely, Maybe'(not that bad)
And walked ard hereen's before heading home.
ENGLISH PAPER 1 !!!!!!!!!!
i don't know how i did for this paper.
have to wait for my results.
hope i don't do badly..
--cross fingers--
Went to watch floorball match.
with Twinny & Norman.
Vic and Gary were playing.
some of my friends also.
so went to support.
Damn that referee, Bias banana.
And so the saying goessssss.......
"Don't worrry, we still have next year"
Jiayou! Gymnastic & Floorbal for next year then.
Went to cityhall to eat , slack after that.
waited for mummmy and trained home tgt with.
Vic, Gary, Twinny & Chongying.
post pics some other time.
joeey-joey!! @ 4/20/2008 11:00:00 PM

The Retarded me !


CJ2- Chenyin Joey -

And the more HUMAN looking ones(:


joeey-joey!! @ 4/13/2008 11:44:00 PM

Tonight i'm falling and i can't get up.
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up.
And every night i miss you,
i can just look up and know the stars are,
holding you holding you.
Holding you tonight.
Right, just finished studing BIO.
Have to really start studying.
N' lvl is round the corner.
Plus, with all the tests and exams coming up.
It would be a total killer.
-my sec school life-
I either sleep in class , listen or talk .
I go to the back of school- we call it "market"-
to eat when lessons are all over, or i just head home.
Home tuition every 1&4 of the week.
Gymnastics every 2,5&6 of the week.
And remedial in school every 1&3 of the week.
Wooots, there goes my youth.
So much for the chinese saying "xian ku hou tian"
This is practically my sec school life.
And i think this "craps" have actually become my school life routine.
thats life i guess.
Gym competition is freaking next week.
And i think the thought of it freaks me out.
Really really wanna win this year.
Really want this sooo badly.
So does the rest of the members.
having our last few trainings,
HOpe we all can do as well as the good routines we did during practices.
joeey-joey!! @ 4/12/2008 02:29:00 PM