SKY OF LOVE is a super duper superb show!
watched with a friend of mine.
Okay haven't really been blogging.
it'd be boring idf i everyday blog about wad happened.
cuz its all rougly the same.
I don't lead mutiple lives.(i wish)
Loads of stuff happen.
be it goood or bad.
factors of my life,
they sum me up.
Well, okay this is wad i can recall.
Ahgong have been gone for rougly a week.
And i think most of us still miss him.
But i think the person who is hurting the most is , Ahma.
She cries almost everynight, and whenever she lies one the bed.
And its really goddamn sad to see her cry.
Though she tries to put up a strong act infront of most of us.
But i think she's shattered in the inside.
Time will heal, i guess eh.
We'll will have to see.
And i guess everyone's just moving forward with their lives.
Life goes on.....
Okay i'll upload pics taken for the past few days.
When i am extremely free.
Damn it!
my mum says she bought donuts for me, and she's in my father's car!
its freaking 12.08am and she still have't come back.
2 hours! i think they travelled ard singapore before coming home.
=.= speaking of the devil.
okay donuts donuts donuts(:

Eveybody’s gonna love today, love today.....
Love, Love me...
Sigh, one more day, and Ahgong's gonna be cremated.
I'm sure gonna miss him badly....
Slept at 4 plus,
helped out with the burning of josspapers.
Woke up at 8.45, over snoozed my alarm! lols
had to rush home , bath, and head for school.
Was damn pissed with myself,
couldn't do a nice proper routine.
Guess i'm too exhuasted.
Went to bugis after Gym, with gym-mates.
Need to go to some shop at,
need to measure our body for our leotards.
Went to Bugis Junction to eat.
Wanted to watch the show 'Sky Of Love'=(
but the cinemas had either stop showing the show or it was too late.
Sigh, i really wanna watch it, maybe tuesday.
Trained home,
Lewis was better(:
Went to a cake shop to get some breads.
Went to the funeral place at ard 6plus.
Slept for 2 hours.
Cousin was also sleeping with me..
Goddamn beat!
Woke up at 10, ate something.
Help with folding the josspaper awhile and went home to get my boooks.
Studied with my cousin for awhile.
2.30am now.
Cousin just went home=(
And lucky JOEY gets internet connection(:(:(:
So Joey blog.
i feel damn lonely...lols
YAY! i'm going to a book FAIR tomorrow!
woooots! STORY BOOK(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:
Post the pics thati and my RETARDE cousin took.
someother time.
i wish time could just stop now.

Was my brother's first thot,
when police came in the morning and surrounded my neighbourhood.
Went to bath, and headed to school.
While in my father's car,
he drove another direction to see wad had happen.
He was topless, middle age guy.
And the police had already inflated the saftey balloon-like thing,
at the bottom of where he was.
He was sitting at some edgy platform stonning-,-
WTH, if he'd really wanted to commit suicide,
he would have jumped before the things were set up.
Then i started thinking , WHY?
Some people want to lead a longer life,
maybe just by a few weeks, days or hours.
They dun even get a chance...
ha, how ironic life can be sometimes eh...
Went into a groggy state for the first period.
Thot of my grandfather.
He had survived yesterday, but how long more.
Memories came gushing through my mind,
which made my tears clinged on my lower eyelid.
He was a person which one calls "garang guni"
But thats not his job though.
When i was younger, i used to live at my grandparents house.
And my grandfather would use to collect toys he found,
and chunck it in a cardbox.
I would always ransack it and find toys to play with.
I remembered how he would spare time to bring me to the playground,
and how he onced chase a dog away. (it was gonna bite me).
Eventhough we had some communication gap between us.
I really appreciated he just being there.
Totaly knocked out during SS class.
Couldn't take it, my eyes were doing weight lifting.
Went to the back of the school for lunch, had gymnastics after that.
Gym started at 3.30pm.
Dawdled ard the office area to kill time.
Munyee was doing her poa and i was waitng for her.
Trained and did a couple of good routine.
**hope i can do as good for the competition**
Talked to shaun while we were doing our splits.
Told him about my grandfather ,
and it is a weight lifted off my shoulder.
Ended Gym at 6.30.
Recieved a miss called from mummy, and i had a premonition.
I called her back,
and she told me to come home quick cuz my grandfather had passed away.
I knew it was coming , but i wasn't prepared.
I wanted him to live longer.
I wanted to talk to him more.
I wanted to just sit by his side , for a little longer.
I wanted to se him breath.
I wanted to just .... just. i don't know....
Tears rolled down my eyes,
when questions started popping out by my Gym-mates.
Was comforted by most of them.
Very grateful.
Thanks guys, thanks alot.
Walked home with japhia,
she told me some of her stories and started crying.
My mind went blank din know wad to say.
Walked home thinking i might enter a house-of-grieve.
Grandma was devastated ,
it was written all over her face.
I din know wad to do.
I sat beside my grandma,
and touched my grandpa's ice-cold arm.
Touched his forehead ,
ran my fingers through his hair.
I wanted to cry at times.
i just held his hand and watched him.
Maybe this might be the last time i am holding him.
Though i din get to talk to him for the last time.
I'm contented.
At least now he is at peace,
end to his sufferings.
Helped carry him down to the first floor.
He was going to be taken away for awhile.
Had to get his clothes changed, makeup done, etc.
Came back after 1 hour plus.
Went to see him again .
He looked good.
Grandma cried .
I had mixed feelings.
Offered josstick to him.
I watched grandma and started to think.
Wad would i do if i was her,
i would be sad for sure,
but how am i going to live my life with my husband DEAD?
It would be just too, too lonley for me.
came back home and rested for awhile.
Am going back down again.

Sigh, feeling kinda restless right now.
POA is STRESSING me out,
and i just finished tuition not long ago.
Almost died in there.
Damn damn restless and short tempered today.
Ah Gong just came back from the hospital.
Its damn heart aching to see him suffering.
Almost cried whe i saw him jst now,
left the room.
Dadddy & Mummy says that,
he might leave tonight the earliest,
or a few weeks the lastest.
He is very weak rigt now, and has difficulties breathing.
I don't wanna attend a funeral any sooner,
but it's a matter of time that he leaves.
Its like i want him to leave and i don't want.
Iwant his suffering to end, but i am gonna miss him badly.
Real Badly.....
He's 93 years old.
I dun even know if i would even live up to his age.
okay i've nothing to say already....

okay okay okay, this is gonna be a loooooooong entry. Enjoy.
Back from a 2days 1night camp!(fri & sat)
Tried requesting for a 3days 2night camp ,
hard-headed teacher=.=.
Yeah it was okay,
but just that the teacher in charge wasn't that likeable.
Get on my nerves=.=
-FRIDAY- frist day of camp
Went late on the first day of the camp,
totally forgot that there would be a mock competition.
Trampoline competition. (& everyone STARES at u)
Did badly for my competiton.
Got reprimanded badly for 2 days, consecutively. (thu&fri)
Did spoil my mood a little.
But it means that i have to work hader to meet expectations.
=(but i'm scared i'm not up for it.)=
Went to the back of our school to eat.
Wanted to eat hokkien mee, but they only sell it at night.
=.-wads the diff=.-
So i ordered roasted meat rice.
Played volleyball back in school.
Munyee , Isaac & Me.
Had to leave the hall, cuz the volleybal members
needed both court.
So we went to the canteen.
There were games planned for us, by Shaun.
Yeah it was cool, at least he'd make an effort.
Rested awhile after the game before our Pysical Training starts.
30 pumpings, 1 min of superman, 20 jacknives & 20 situps.(1 set)
We did a total of 3 sets.
And a 7.50mins of this..

Ended off with 3laps of squart jumps.
Dinner, Hokkien mee(:
Bought a packet of Hershey's.
The girls got free packets of tidbits,
by some unknown uncle. LUCKYshyt
2hours of training again.

Went to Mr Hui's homeroom,
to do our self-revision work,
and watched ANAPOLIS. thumps up.
12.00am. LIGHTOUT.
-Saturday- last day of camp
Woke up lazily.. 8.25am.
Breakfast.... Minced Meat Porridge((:
Training from 9-11,
Had "competition" again.
Well, i did a whole lot better than yesterday.
We all did better than what we did on thursday & friday.
Played voleyball after Gym ended.
Yeah, its one of my Favourite sport(:
Had wad we called "bonding time".
Practically, its just playing games . Tgt.
Let off early.
Some of us went to the back of the hall,
& rested till our dinner time.
Had training from 7 - 9pm ,
and our camp will end after that=(
Really wished it could be one more day.
"Competition". Bad.
Ended the camp with a birthday song.
It was Lewis' birthday.
Volleyball-ed for the last time ,
So we went out.

Headed home.

RAAAA. too tired t blog yesterday.
Reached home ard 12.
It was a Freaking fun and a day to remember.
Raining cats and dogs.
Trained down to Orchard.
Met Munyee and Shaun at different stops.
Munyee's shoes were drenched.
Reached orchard and went to Lido to check the movie timing.
August Rush! 5.05pm.
And we still had plenty of time to kill.
So we went to eat Macs,
and went in tov BORDERS after lunch. wooots!
Read a book by Jodi Picoult, think i might either get that book or borrow it.
I prefer the feeling of owning a book(:
Dun have to rush for the dateline.
And i can do wadever i want with it. wahaha.
But if i keep buying.
I'd go bankurpt.
Left BORDERS and head to Lido.
Shows's about to start.
Shaun got himself a drink and went in.
Lido Classics.
Munyee cried a little.
Shaun was most of the time closed to tears.
I was also close to tears at time, but most of the time, suffering from goosebumps.
Not that the show was cheezy or what.
I don't know, i think it was touching and i had goosebumps?
Very unexpected ending.
Sat in the cinema for almost 2 hours, but it felt like only an hour=(
7.10pm.after the movie
Went to the toilet.
And Clark Quey our next destination!
Okay if u dun know wad is Gmax.
Its a ball-like thing , that springs up all the way 50 metres high.
So it goes up and down for ard 1 min?
Located at clark Quey.
If u still dun get it.
cuz i can't think of anymore ways to describe it.
Before the ride.....
Holy crap! haha .
It was DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN fun!!!!
Though it cost 30bucks for a 1-2 min ride.
But it was a GREAT experience.
We're still complaining of how nervous we were,
before the ride
And hestitated to get up that machine.
Munyee even made us agree not to backout.
Glad we didn't.
We survived the ride!!!!
haha! and we still had the thot of going for another round.
Left the place and went to walk ard Clark Quey.
Went to a part a Clark Quey which i totally have nvr been before.
The whole street was mostly flooded with Pubs.
I reckon its the best place to chill out.
ME: "Hey i dun mind working at this Pub"
Munyee: "Why?"
ME: "Its nice.... WTH! the guys are wearing SKIRTS=.==.="
Munyee: "HAHAHAHA!!! so do u stil wanna work here??"
ME: "On second thot, NO WAY!"
Walked back to Central.
The Mantthan FISH MARKET .
Was our final fill-my-GODDAMNEMPTY-stomach stop.
DINNNNERRR!!!!! Fish-.-
While waiting for our fooodd....
*First time i actually hang out with Shaun. *
Shaun had to go back home, after dinner
So we took the train with him.
I din want to go home so early.
So went down to Esplanade with munyee.
Walked ard.
Wanted to go to the rooftop garden.
But it was blocked, i guess they had some event going on.
So we walked out of there.
Went to see some mosiac performance. BORING
Walk to the Singapore Flyer to kill time.
ME: giggled "hmmmm, GOING HOME LIAO"
HAHA! I Love Mummy.
Took a bus with Munyee down to bishan,
and trained home.
Mummy bought KFC chicken for me(:
Went to bed after eating.
God Damn Cold right now.
But i love the weather(:
Gonna be late for Gym...

Had to wake up to a chilly weather.
Meeting Victor.
Needed to go town for some warranty thing for my laptop.
Met Vic at Bishan mrt station.
Was suppose to alight at Orchard but eneded up at Dhoby Ghaut-.-
We din even notice it.
haha, i think without Ivan along.
We are like a complete street idiot.
Like yesterday.
Tap out of Orchard mrt station and went out.
Was talking and talking.
Stop to only realise that we've went the wrong direction!
Walked ard Ngee Ann City.
Reached Best Denki and waited for awhile befored i was served.
Left there after filing in my particulars
& playing the Osim's machine.
I was freaking starving, and it was raining outside.
So decide to eat somewhere in NGC.
MACS!!! MacspicyMeal.
Vic wanted to go NUM too see some flipflop.
So we went to Cine.
Stop in the middle of the road.....
ME: "hey , vic where is Cine ah?"
Vic: "Erm , it is there (points to me, behind)"
ME: "Okayyyy, haha then why we walking this direction"
Vic: "eh, Ya hor!"
Haha, Damn keep going the wrong direction!
IVANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!(he's much better in locationlocationlocation)
Cine has a new, NUM shop.
Next to it is NUM flipflop.0.O
Vic got in and bought a Slipper! Richassss!!
and they gave him a free, tuggytuggy?
duno wad they call it, some dimond-like thing to put on the strap.
Left Cine , walked towards hereen's.
Went into HMV.
Window shopped for awhile before heading home.
Trained towards Marinabay first.
Wanted to geta seat.
Chatted online with my Favourite cousin!!!
Been ages since we last hang out!

Was to tired to blog yesterday.
Anyway this is wad happen(:
It was along day.
Time just seems to pass by 3 of us slowly.....
Woke up at 8.45am,
was supose to have tuition at 9.00am.
But the tuitoras late.
Ended tuition at 12.00pm.
Went to use MY LAPTOP(: for awhile,
ate, bathed and went out.
Was suppose to be meeting tHEcLIQUES today.
But apparently,
Munyee and Clarice couldn't make it.
Jervis was also going, but he was going with his classmate.
Gary and Qinghai din want to go. =.=
And so it was down with Vic, Ivan & Me.
Better than none
Took the train down to yck to meet Vic & Twinny.
And head all the way down to Vivo.
CARAMEL FRAPP was our first drink of the day.
Woooots haven't had that for a LONG time.
Took a Monorail to Sentosa.
Laid our bags as soon as we found a spot.
Played Volleyball and Soccer for awhile,
before going into the sea.
Twinny and Vic was the first to go down,
i din want to go in so fast.
Took pics while they came out of the sea to rest.
Chatted for awhile.
Went into the sea for awhile,
haha, Twinny was freezing and he just stood there,
head above the sea.
Its was damn damn cold.
Plus the wind kept blowing towards our direction.
Was talking about ,
and came out of the sea after that.
Went to the toilet and rinsed ourselves clean.
Bought a cup of HOT CHOCOLATE after that.
Headed back to Vivo=(
Was walking ard at the top floor,
when Victor suggested that we go have our dinner at MARCHE.
So all of us agreeed.
Our bill cost a BOMB!
A big hole in our pockets!
Twinny and i ate PASTAs!
Victor ate some Pork thing.
Each of us got a bread cuz we thot that the meal wouldn't fill our empty stomach.
Almost fainted when i finished my pasta.
Victor was also damn full.
And that got-stomach-like-no-stomach IVAN
Still wanted to eat a FRUIT CREPE=.=
WTH, so we bought it.
Wasn't that bad, just that i was full to the brim.
Paid our bills and left the place.
Saw this cow outside Marche,
Left Vivo for Clarkquey.
CENTRAL is a BORING place.
Went to see Gmax.
Cz i'll be sitting it on WED.
With Munyee and Shaun!
All the best to us!
Walked to Cityhall , then Suntec.
Ivan wanted to go arcarde to play basketball.
Headed home after that.
Victor and i was damn exhuasted.
And Ivan's leg was hurting.
Train-ed home with Vic.
Eventhough most of them din turn up.
I guess the 3 of us still enjoyed it.

Reached school at ard 8.45am.
Met Victor & Munyee before going to school.
All Gymnast gathered at the canteen at 9.15pm.
Had to go collect the leotard today for the performance,
cuz the shop was closed yesterday.
It was at KALLANG =.=
Train-ed down to CityHall, then to Tanjong Pagar.
And took a bus down to Parkway.
Walked for a long time before we reached the place.
Tried on our leotards.
It was okay. So we took it.
Went to some shopping mall nearby.
New Zealand Natural ice-cream!
Headed back to school.
Started doing stretchings and reheasing for a few times.
Rested, while waiting for the arrival of the GOH(GuestOfHonour).
The performance was GOOOOOOOOD .
Considering that we were informed last minute.
And had to think of a routine within one week.
With only 3 days practice.
All of us did a great job=).
After the performance. i literary rotted.
It was freaking B-O-R-I-N-G!
I have walked the whole school, like 5-6 times?
With Lewis.
Went to some unknown set-up stall.
They had stinggray! i ate 2 plates of it, Lewis ate 1.
It wasn't very big anyway.
But it was nice.
So was the chicken chop.
Called Munyee and asked her if she wanted to come find me.
She likes stinggray also.
But she din buy.
She just got herself a chicken chop, and a muscle.
PAPA came! sat and talked to us.
But left after awhile to find his friends.
Headed to Miss Kumari's class games stall?
Its more like a chill out place, A PUB.
They had different bands playing.
Loud music for us to dance.
And the whole room was filled with somke,
from the smoke machine.
Munyee & Terence followed me in.
Couldn't see where we were walking at first.
Toooooo smokey.
Manage to get ourselves a seat and watch the peeps there dance.
It was TOTALLY cool. Its like a REAL Pub.
Munyee wanted to dance at first , but i was shy.
So i called Twinny and asked him to come join us.
Waited for him.....
Went in again, when Twinny arrived.
This time we started moving a little to the beat of the
The room was full of somke, so the people at the back can't really see wad we are doing or who we were infront.
And the people who are infront were all practically dancing.
So there wasn't much to be afraid or shy of eventually.
And slowly we just started clapping and dancing and moving to the beat.
Even Youlim was moving a little.
haha, a very different side of him.
Sometimes the room gets so smokey that u can't even see the person infront of u! haha.
There are just too many things, that happened in there.
Too many to say, and i can't string my words.
But it was sad we had to leave the place in the end.=((
Damn hot and sweaty after i got out of that room.
And the room was air-conditioned.
Went to the ParadeSquare to assemble.
Saw gary, and we gave a "Friendly" hug. haha
We haven't even spoke to each other the whole entire day.
Ate an apple, and walked towards 4 Devotion home room to slack.
Wanted to go clarkquey to sit Gmax with Munyee & Ivan.( the ball-like thing that shoots up high and come down)
But its costly, and it was late.
So we decide maybe next wed or so.
Went to sembawang and ate KFC , with Munyee ,Lewis & Shaun john.
962-ed home.

Din really bring anything to school today.
No lessons. Cuz we had to prepare for the JJ fair(its a school carnival. Fyi.)
But i din help much.
Cuz i had to rehearse and perform for principle to see.
Tml's the BIG DAY.
Minister of state will be coming to see us perform, with the HPTs.
Okay. Everything shld be cool.
Had to stay back after school to rehearse and perform again,
For the acting GOH & the principle again.
Played volleyball during our break.
At first was with Shimin, Munyee & Isaac.
But it was down to a 2 V 2 show.
ME & Isaac V.s. Kaliang & Shuenliang( duno how to spell his name=.-)
It was a draw in the end.=((
ME and Isaac are like the Best team in Volleyball!
Went back to Gym rehearsal.
Added a new step stuff in.
Its been really really really long since i last seen PAPA.
Though we din talk much.
But i'm still glad he came.
Gym ended at ard 6, when the last performance was over.
Went to rest on the crashmat for awhile.
Was damn tired & i was having a headache.
MRS TAN(principle) is gonna buy for us all gymnasts a standardise performance's outfit.
And its costly. $50 per person? i heard.
Cuz tml is the Big day/event.
So muz put on the best and perform the best!
Had to go to kallang to try on the spendex?
Its called "leotard" if i'm not wrong.
Some tightfit wear.
Took train down to cityhall. Not all Gymnast went just some.
Shaun,Me,Munyee,Grace,Japhia,Samantha,Shimin & Xiaomin.
But when we reached cityhall, we were told that the shop had already closed=.=
WTH, okay so we all went to eat! cuz we were STARVING!
Went to walk ard after eating.
Was heading to the Mrt station when 2 china guys came to me.
They wanted to get to the train station, so i asked them to follow me as i was going there also.
Halfway, they keep asking me about some unknown train sation in chinese.=.= Shaun was with me.
And we both failed chinese. So we din quite understand
I just told them "I am going to the MRT station=.-"
And shaun was like "Ni yao qu na li??"
And they kept talking & repeating the unknown station in mandrin.
We looked at each other and just gave the "HUH?? WTH???" look.
Lucky one passerby came, and helped us.
Din want to go home so early so i asked if anyone wanted to go other place and walk ard to kill time.
Munyee and Grace agreed to accompany me.
And the rest wanted to go home.
So went to Raffles place to walk ard.
Passed by MPH
Me: "Hey i wantto get a Book , i've no more storybook to read!"
So we went in.
Grace and i each found a book and sat at one corner to read.
Munyee was reading magazine.
Store had to close.
So we left the place.
Empty handed.
Treated myself with mocha frapp.
I asked the lady for a carrier and she gave me a PAPERBAG=.^
Trained home. Stand all the way.
I think my legs almost came apart.
Can't wait to perform!
PAPA will be going also(: wahaha!
And it will then be MARCH HOLIDAYS! woots.

Skipped the first period of cf, and went to find Victor at level one.
Sat at the nearby staircase there and chatted for awhile.
It has been long since Bros and i last sit together and really chat.
Its not called EMO TALK its called, Bros bonding? haha
And twin FINALLY came to school after skipping school for 2 days!
Loads of comlpicated stuff happened.
Hope it will pass soon.
Cab to jervis' house and ordered Macs. woots
Slept for awhile while waiting for the delivery to come.
Ate Macspicy, Applepie and Fries.
Had to leave ard 4.30 cuz i had tuition=(
Gary wanted to stay longer.
Left jervis' house with Ivan twinny.
Twinny waited at the bus stop with me for my bus to come.
Plugged my handphone's headset into my ears.
Slept a little, b4 i reached yck mrt station and train-ed home.
Brady's sick=( i think he injured his leg=(
Chinese tuition was so-so.
Went down to help mummy get something.
And used the com after my dinner(:
The Filterkey thingy in my com is pissing me off.=..=
Woots! tml's friday.
The following day is SAT, JJ FAIR(:
And we have HOLIDAY AFTER THAT! wahaha!
Going out with clques on monday..
Having Gymnastic camp! can't wait!

Its like i din even slept yesterday.
Feels that i'm like half awake throughout the night.
Woke up feeling still damn sleepy.
Its has been quite a cooolddd weather for the past 3 days?
Chapel was B-O-R-I-N-G!
Thot they were going to sing some nice songs, but ended up singing some unknown-weird tune song.
So i closed my eyes and REST. haaha.
Got woken up to sing the Doxology.
It goes;
May the grace of Christ our Saviour,
and our father's boundless love.
With the holy spirit's favour,
rest upon us from above. X2
PE today, din want to play basketball.
So went to play badminton with Kaiming, Shaun, Clarence.
Kaiming and I tag agianst Clarence & Shaun!
We lost, but i say that we're the best team mates.
We partner each other for the inter-class tournament also.
Some people say we look alike. Hmmmmm.
Asked gary the thrid time " so u really don't want to go swimming?"
Gary: "No"
=.= okay.
Met up with friend friend, and went swimming! wooots
Was suppose to swim 20 laps, but my muscle cramp.
Cannot paddle my leg for free-style in the water=(
so i did frog-style all the way.
Nvm, better than nothing.
Got off the pool , went for a WARM shower!
Went to macs to eat.
Popular to get some stationary, and headed home.
I'm Loving It.
Can't wait for March holidays.
JJ fair's performance.
& last but not least.
Gymnastic trainings!!!

Slept at 10 plus yesterday, but i've no idea why am i so tired today.
Twinny din come today=(, so i had to sit alone during bio lesson.
Not that bad. Liying was talking to me, and we had to copy notes all the way.
Have been waiting for today like ages.
Did ard 15 complete routine today.
Had to plan the performance routine for JJ fair.
And did a trail with the music.
Not that bad, for a short 4 min performance.
Was discussing about our whole performance step cuz there were some parts which wasn't that good.
Then a volleyball girl from Saint Andrew jc, came to us.
Gave us the "Punch me" face and told us that they wanted to use to court to train.
=.= there's freaking 2 courts in the hall.
Plus there wasn't much of them.
So we kept everything and left.
Xin ku da jia le.
Swimming tml. i guess?

School's totally crappy today.
And that means i'll have to find another one=(
School ended. And i had to rush back to get my carnival tickets, dateline today.
Came back to school Gave the tacher the tickets and headed back home again.
Wasn't suppose to utter any words of vulgar today.
But i failed badly.
Abby was singing practically the whole POA period, and it was a song i know long ago, thanks to my cousin(:
- Tonight by Fm statics -
So i composed a song of my own, with the same tune.
To mock her and ask her to keep quiet.
But i the word 'bitch' was used. =.= =.=
Arghh, lousy me.
Sitting with Abigail in POA lesson = NOTHING LEARNED FOR TODAY.
Cuz we would literary talk and laugh throughout the whole lesson.
Then Miss Chee would give us one of her Trademark stares.
Looking forward to JJ fair & march holidays.
Gonna have a gym camp! woots!
- If you just realized what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another

Toe socks=) from Victor
TWINNY ( Ivan & me)

Cab down to yishun's GV. at 8.55pm from our house.
Wanted to catch the new movie which was offically released.
Sis and me was shock to see the amout of people queueing to buy movie tickets.
Apparently the 9.05 Show, was SOLD OUT! =.=
So we stood at the counter for a sec, to think of wad other show to watch.
But walked out empty handed.
The next movie timing was 11.30pm.
Doubt that out parents would let us watch a midnight movie,
but we desperately wanted to watch it.
So i called my mum.
She was reluctant at first, but gave in after a little pleading & crapping.
And this is the first ever time i've acutally wacthed a midnight movie, or i should say, a movie with my sis.
Other than buying DVDs to watch at home, which is a totally different thing.
Went to northpoint to walk ard, but sadly most of the shops were closed.
So we went to the foodcourt to see if we could get anything to fill our
not-so-empty, yet craving-for-something-to-eat stomach.
Most of the stalls were Closed . Closed . Closed
but manage to get something to eat.
Pig's organ soup with MEATBALL! wahaha!
The soup had this sweet-saltish-bitter taste.=.=
Its like flooded with salted vegetable and a few overly cooked meatballs.=.=
But we finished the organs and meatball(:
Went to Burger King to kill time.
Played poker cards and rotted there like anything for almost 2 hour.
Bought BK BBQ -something- bacon.(sorry, i've got bad memory)
And sneaked it into the cinema to eat! wahahaha!
Saw a few familiar faces.
Put on my jackets and got a tissue incase i cry=.-
Ha, cuz my cousin said she cried like nobody's business.
IT was a humourous- romance show.
Not bad. A GOOD local show in fact.
-end of show-
Still holding on to my unused tissue paper my sis turned and asked me, "did you cry?"
NO!..... lols
Slacked at Macs, while waiting for our parents to pick us.
I slept on the sofachair there! i was damn damn tired.
== Before the show ==
== After the show ==