Happy Leap Year.

I don't care wad they say, i'm in love with you.
They try to pull me away,
but they don't know the truth.
- Bleeding love -
Woke up ard 6 plus, had a quick bath,
stared blankly while i ate my porridge.
Went to school.
Lesson for today were all one period only,
Din really do much today.
During SS, teacher told us something which i thought was kinda funny.
We were doing a topic about social globalisation, and how things spread all over the world via technology. (eg;cultures, communications, etc.)
So she told us about her study-exchange trip to germany ,
and she found out that the people
there acutally wrote a composition of 1000 to 2000 words on how to use the word, "LOR".
They way we singaporeans used it.
I was laughing hard when i heard this.
For a moment i was picturing how would the composition look like,
and it itches me to read the composition.
Okay, well i guess thats the only thing i found interesting, for today.
Woots had gymnastics today, i only knew i had gym today when shaun told me yesterday.
Thank you Thank you.
Did 10 sets of routine, complete routine.
Woots, Praises to Joey(:
Coach told some of us to lean, back against the wall,
and bend to 90 degrees, for 5 mins.
Only 5 pp did it.
Though the process was damn, tidious & tiresome.
All of us manage to complete the 5 mins .
Praises to Joey and friends(:
wahahaha! POWER!! 3 cheers to vb girls.
Okay done blogging.
joeey-joey!! @ 2/29/2008 07:43:00 PM

- TRUE - Ryan Cabrera.
I wont talk
I wont breathe
I wont move till you finally see
That you belong with me
You might think I dont look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
Im attached to you
Im weak
Its true
Cuz im afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cuz my heart keeps falling faster
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
Its time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true
You dont know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
Im afraid to move
Im weak
Its true
Im just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know u met me?
I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
Its time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true
I know when I go ill be on my way to you
The way thats true
I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
Its time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true
joeey-joey!! @ 2/28/2008 10:42:00 PM

Today's chapel was rather boring.
Had some silly and kinda dumb act today, dun see why certain pp were even laughing.
Me and tiwnnny wasn't even laughing luh. Wth
But there was this guy who sang "Who am i" and another unknown song.
Its hard to describe, but his singing voice was SUPERBB!
Slept during the last period, chem.
Freaking hot la, when i woke up i was sweating like , i just came out of shower=.=.
Had chinese remedial afterschool.
Was suppose to go swimming today, with gary & jervis .
Dunno why, but Gay din want to go last min.
But saw Gary and Jervis at the basketball court , playing.
Yeah fine with me.
Called some other pp to see if they wanted to go swimming,
but then a teacher came along,
and wanted to confiscate my phone=.=.
Sheryl and i pleaded the teacher to give another chance.
Thankfully the teacher did. Phew...
Dropped the idea of calling other people.
Headed home.
Better luck next time. I really really wanted to swim.=(
Went home, read storybook for a little while. Bathed, used the com till now.
And, i'm off to bed. Nights.
joeey-joey!! @ 2/27/2008 10:17:00 PM

Stared out of the car window while i let my thought run wildly.
Closed my eyes and tried to get a short rest before i reached school.
English was my first period for today. Had compo for classwork.
Wooots, i love doing compo. Though i'm not very good at it, but i enjoy doing it.
Kept thinking that it was recess after each bell rang.
Joeey(me): "Eh recess liao ah?"
Bros: "NO"
Joeey(me): "Wth, today like damn long then recess la!"
Bros: zzz=.= WTH look.
Read storybook thorughout some periods which was rather boring.
Zzz, i'm gonna finish reading my book, and that means i have to go find a new one=.=!!!!
Went to the back of the school to eat with , Gary, Ivan, Clarice,Munyee & Julia.
Headed straight for gymnastic after that.
Pissed coach:"Faster come and train, help to set up the equipments"(in chinese)
Replied him, while playing floorball with munyee: "Okay! yeah we'll be there in a jifty"
I really need to start training hard, loosing my stadard of jumping a proper routine & stamina.
Cannot even complete a proper & nice routine!
Well, managed to complete 5 sets of routine after umpteen tries though.
Played volleyball, with Munyee, Japhia, Terence, Danny, Shaun, Isaac & Gary.
Wahaha! i love playing volleyball.
Reached home at ard, 7.30 . Bathed , eat, blog .
Muscle aching.
Swimming with Gary tml.
joeey-joey!! @ 2/26/2008 09:05:00 PM

I feel like a walking zombie now=.=
Couldn't sleep last night,tossed and turned trying to sleep.
took me nearly more than a hour or so, before i finally knock out.
I thot i passed my papers when i walked towards Mdm LU, as she was SMILINGsweetly.
What a smile la.
=.= she did it twice, and i failed both my Commontest & Class test. =.=
ARGH, i actually fail eventhough i had a factsheet and the class test was an open book test!
I really can go bang wall.
Had Geog remedial, and went home straight.
Math tuition.
I'm gonna do Poa now and pass my exams with blue/black and red ink!
GARY, watch out for JOEY the PRO ACCOUNTANT!
- Happiness comes in many forms.
In the company of good friends,in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true,
or in the promise of hope renewed.
It's okay to let yourself be happy, because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.
joeey-joey!! @ 2/25/2008 07:07:00 PM

thrown in a crowd of expertise
i WANT to swim
joeey-joey!! @ 2/23/2008 09:06:00 PM

Had to go back school today.
At 2. Were suppose to go outand sell tickets for the carnival coming up=.=
Manage to only sold out 3 and went out with Gary, Victor & Jervis to town.
Was suppose to catch a movie, but drop the thought of it.
The 3 of us couldn't decide on what movie we want to watch.
Or we din like each other's idea.
Cause its the only non-asian show there showing in that cinema(suntec) other than 'Jumper'
Went to eat, walked ard and headed home-..=
joeey-joey!! @ 2/23/2008 10:42:00 AM

Read a few blogs , trying to get ideas of wad to blog.
Well, din get anything out of those blogs.
Hmmm, today's a so-so day.
Had, Chem,Ss,Bio,Eng,MT respectively, then recess.
Was reading story book throughout the whole entire 2 periods of Math.
Was with gary almost the whole day today.
Twinny was not at school.
Qinghai was with Raymond.
Victor had internal suspension.
And Joey was freaking bored.
Was given the N'lvl comfirmation slip today, and i was thinking of whether i was even prepared for it. Nope. i'm not.
But i'm just too lazy to start from anywhere-.-.
Bio remedial was canceled.
Went home. Changed, and met Gary at Yishun.
Went swimming!
It is freaking long since i actually went to the swimming pool to swim!
Ate Kfc after that, my small stomach was BLOATED like anything.
Went to walk ard at Timezone & popular to kill time then headed home.
And FINALLY i decided to blog!
I want a LAPTOP!
-No one is perfect, cause if everone is perfect.
Perfect is nothing.
joeey-joey!! @ 2/22/2008 05:05:00 AM