Woke up at ard 9.45. morning call to gary, victor & munyee!
watched one tree hill and ate breakfast b4 changing into skinny and black top! Gary & munyee came to my house first whie waiting for ivan they all to reach.
Went to ice-skate at jurong with, victor, gary, ivan, jervis,mengchao, clarice, munyee.
the twinnies shared a pair a gloves! lols!
skate for ard 3 to 4 hours before, returning our skates. our legs were numb and damn tired la!
yeah~ did have a good time, except i was damn damn sleepy and tired after that. Went to the arcarde, the rest was playing basketball, except some of us, i was sitting down resting.
went to kfc, gary and jervis wanted to eat.
slacked awhile and left the place not knowing where to go.
took a long time for us to decide where to go, wanted to go changi at first, but ended up at clarice's condo*(kovan melody)*
Played basketball, 3 sets. VICTOR,IVAN,ME as one team &
WON the first 2 set bt lost the last set by one point! was totally beat after that!
went to heartland mall to grab a bite before heading home, took 965 with gary, eating pocky sticks, and chatted our way home.
joeey-joey!! @ 11/27/2007 11:45:00 PM

Damn, having muscle cramp when i woke up this morening, muz be bcuz of yesterday training!
Watched ONE TREE HILL, finished season 2! FINALLY!
Called Ivan, was suppose to be meeting them at ard 3 , but end up leaving house at 4!
Met Gary outside MosBurger first before meeting the rest at starbucks!
Had caramel frappucino again!
wanted to go to lao pa sa to eat, but jervis and i was damn hungry already , went to some korean place to eat at first, ended up at SWENSENS!
DAMN! they sure are good in helping me make a hole in my pocket!
haha! had fun though!
walked to sentec, and ARCARDE again!
played basketball! tagged with jervis! we ain't a bad player afterall! haha!
Went to the rooftop garden , slacked and chat.
Trained home with all of them.
Reached home ard 11.
DAY ENDED!( upload pics taken today some other day!)
joeey-joey!! @ 11/24/2007 07:57:00 AM


joeey-joey!! @ 11/24/2007 06:02:00 AM

joeey-joey!! @ 11/24/2007 06:01:00 AM

joeey-joey!! @ 11/24/2007 05:28:00 AM

Ended gym today at 12+, abit later. Was chatting with our new coach!
He was kinda cheated to come to singapore to teach sia! pity him!
Went for lunch with him, lewis and shaun & then headed to the bubble tea stall slacked awhile while chatting.His first time drinking bubble tea anyway! Headed home after that with lewis and shaun! coach still have to go to other school to teach.
went home bathed, and left the house, had lesson today.
Reached studio, only to realised that my partner din come and no one informed me!
so i stayed there for ard an hour b4 leaving the studio to find, IVAN,GARY & VICTOR, at sengkang.
Ate BK and shoped ard compasspoint.
Went to the half indoor half outdoor basketball court and watched, how the PROs there played!
*one word! ZAI!*
Ivan went to MACs after that to order take aways for his mum!
Took 965 home with gary, while victor took 195 home.
Was eating on the bus while chatting with gary.
Gary alighted first so i had nothing better to do and starting pressing the bell for every stop! lols!
Reached home eventually.
joeey-joey!! @ 11/23/2007 10:48:00 AM

thot that i was freaking late , its 12 and i was still lazing on the bed, but apparently it was just a dream=.-!!
Woke up at 10 plus, bathed, then recieve a call from twinny,(morning call i guess to see if i wake up le ma, thanks).
Amk hub for Lunch, cuz qh was there eating also.
Went to town after lunch and got tickets for ENCHANTED!~yeah~ its a nice & funny show! wanted to watch again after that! haha!
but we din, so walked to heerens, window shopping for me.
Twinny and Qh both bought ear studs, there wasn't anything i liked so, din get anything.
Kinda lost track of time and was late, was suppose to meet gary and sharyln to work.So me and Qh rushed and took the train down to woodlands when halfway Qh reminded me about my stuff that i left with Ivan! so called him and had to mafan him to come down from cityhall to newton.Thanks Bro!
Met gary and sharyln after that , ate something light and started working till 10! i was beat and my legs was damn tired! Went to my place de mac, rest and ate something! Gary, Qh, Sharyln headed home after supper and AGAIN i forgot my stuff.
nice memory i have!
Day ended. reached home, bath and here i am BLOGGING!. so thats it for today! nights!
joeey-joey!! @ 11/22/2007 12:43:00 AM

before the movie 'ENCHANTED' (ivan,QH,me)

joeey-joey!! @ 11/22/2007 12:41:00 AM

Berfore Work! (gary,Qinghai,sharlyn)
joeey-joey!! @ 11/22/2007 12:40:00 AM

Woke up at 9am today! suppose to wake up at 8am, prepare then go for gym! but was damn tired after yesterday! so decided to rest for awhile more!
Reached school at ard 9.30, NEW COACH!
he was like a quiet and cmi kind , but when he started coaching , woooooooots! it was goooood!
trampoline was kinda his area of expertise, so yeah! he's good!
kinda learned something, out of his coaching today.
went to bubble tea stall with isaac,shaun& lewis. isaac left after he bought his bubble tea cuz he had something on, so lewis,shaun & me stayed there for awhile till we finished our drinks.
Went home and slept, still damn tired.
had muscle aches(stomache) when i woke up. no idea why, din had intensive training also.
Going to have tution in an hour, damn it la! its like holiday and i'm still having damn math tuition! & my tutor is like calling the shot,weather to have the tuition or not-.-!
woooooooTs! going out tml with BROs, for the job thingg. then maybe go catch a movie or or do other things, depend on the time! so yup . Shall blog if there's any happening stuff tml!!
joeey-joey!! @ 11/21/2007 04:00:00 PM

Woke up at 10am was suppose to be meeting AHBENG!(GARY)at 11.30,had changed of plans so ended up meeting at 12.30.
pack my bag and left house , went to meet munyee frist b4 meeting the rest! WAS DAMN EXCITED LA! GOING SENTOSA. its been ages since i last went there, primary school, if i'm not wrong.
Went to mos burger, cuz MOSBOY!(gary) suggested it! met up with TWINNY(ivan),clarice & elain after that at vivo and took the monorail to sentosa!!!!
Was raining when we reached there! so had to stay under shelter for ahwile untill the rain stopped.
Played volleyball after the rain stopped, started out with MUNYEE,GARY,IVAN,QINGHAI,ELAIN&ME,but in the end, EVERYONE WAS PLAYING.
Had a match between the girls and the guys!
& the GUYS lost-.-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went dipping into the sea after that &
IVAN,GARY,QINGHAI,SHARL, got injuries after coming out of the sea, bang agianst some rocks.
Went to bath, and clean ourself before heading down to newton circle for dinner.
Was bloated after that but had to run to the mrt station cuz it was raining-.-!!
Trained home with gary,munyee,sharyl,elain&qinghai.
joeey-joey!! @ 11/20/2007 12:08:00 AM

At sentosa and Newton circle!

joeey-joey!! @ 11/20/2007 12:06:00 AM

woke up at ard 8 , had to go for gym training!
saw gary at school, he had p-t-c! his mother was damn funny la!
left gym at ard 11, went home, bath, changed and headed to amk to meet ivan and QH. Went to bugis to eat,arcarde for awhile before meeting up with ivan's cousin, had to go for some job interview, WHEN we only ended up having interview with PAPERS!-.-!
left the place after filling up the forms and walked ard bugis street.
took the train down to town, wanted to catch a movie, beowulf!. but it was nc16=.=! damn it!
went to city hall, after eating kfc, and as we spend the rest of the day , CAMWHORING,from places to places(marina square, suntec,even while walkin!). it was fun!
Was waiting for gary to finish work and eat dinner!
headed home after that,
well, guess this was how the day ended!
haha! going sentosa tml! wooots!
joeey-joey!! @ 11/19/2007 12:28:00 PM

THE PICS THAT WE TOOK!. there were much more! but mostly are still with ivan.

joeey-joey!! @ 11/19/2007 12:26:00 AM