
woots!YAY!! haha finally after so long i'm done with this blog!
though it still somehow suck, shall deal with it S L O W L Y(:
Had english papers today , think i flunked my paper one=( went out to study with mengchao and stella after that.
Stopped studying at ard 4 , wanted to get some drinks but thanks to MENGCHAI we had to walk for sooooo long and end up entering a church , but managed to get our drinks form the vending machines in there. LOLS!
After that we went to some playground that was nearby us to Slackkkk
haha, but ended up playing with some young kids that were hanging around there!
It was super tiring to run round chasing them in a game of catching la!
haha but it was un though, oh and there were 3 idian kids that was super cute and they look uber alike la! haha, forgotten their names =x lols
okay duno wad to write le.
shall end here. FULLSTOP
-When love and skills come together, expect a masterpiece.
joeey-joey!! @ 9/28/2007 08:53:00 AM

okay(: thanks
joeey-joey!! @ 9/28/2007 06:30:00 AM